Sunday, August 28, 2005

Jealous Lover Program Creator Is Indicted - Yahoo! News

~~ GOOD !!!
{ If he is really guilty,
and also feels sorry for what he has done. }~

~ or maybe ~

BAD !!
{ If the prosecutors are just
goofing up here, and actually
meant to indict
some one else with the same exact name,
or something like that.}


"SAN DIEGO - AP Wire @ Yahoo !

The creator and several buyers of a computer

program designed to allow jealous lovers to

snoop on their sweethearts' online activities

have been indicted for allegedly violating

federal computer privacy laws."
--------------------------------------- "It Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time…" You might want to make sure it doesn't violate any federal laws before ubiquitously marketing it. LoverSpy's creator Carlos Enrique Perez-Melara, 25, learned that one the hard way, now facing up to 175 years in jail.