Tuesday, May 05, 2009

TechnoPolitical : A Political History of the Internet........

Welcome to TechnoPolitical.
"TECHNOPOLITCAL-dot-blogspot-dot-com" , is the record of the history of Political Activism in the USA and World on the Internet from its earliest days.
With a Political focus on the impact of September 11, 2001 followed thereafter by the Rapid & Ubiquitous Rise of the INTERNET & Digital Technologies into our daily lives.
This site is Academic Examination of the major TechnoPolitical issues of the New Digital Age we now live in.
Here you will find hundreds & hundreds of cyber news and academic bits , all w/ links and citations to the original articles;

w/ 120 footnotes -- and over 100 of these notes have links to their sources on the Internet from 1994 till Today.
Many of the links on this site are now of historical value . If you find some of the older links go to one of those "this page is no longer available" at the News or University site, I have decided NOT to fix them or search for you. I would rather preserve the "internet history" of broken links. All postings here at TechnoPolical have complete "cyber-citations" with dates, original link address, and authors name.
{I am sure Google's News Achrive and/or Lexis Nexis would have a complete archive (-- if you pay Lexis $--) of most every source I use here if you find an inactive link. AND If they don't have them, well then clearly I have done my job well here!}

as a History is meant to be read OLDEST to NEWEST.
Use the blog archive at the top of the right side of the page here. >>>>
OR Start Here, and then keep clicking on the
"Newer Post" link at the end of each posting.

Use the labels to explore individual topics --->>
It is my hope that Political Junkies,
Students & Teachers at all
academic levels,
and all "Netizens"
find this site a
useful (and fun)
Cyber-Launching point into the
TechnoPolitical World We Now Live In.
----- Contact me: rahalperin [at] gmail [dot]com ------